Medicine Medicine
Charity program “Together for a healthy life!” of the Charitable Organization “INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE FOUNDATION “UKRAINIAN-EUROPEAN INITIATIVES” / ICF “UKREUROFUND” / Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Charity Program) is a set of charitable activities aimed at providing assistance and promoting the legitimate interests of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and civilians in the field of charitable activities, implementation of charitable activities in the interests of society and certain categories of persons.
The Charitable Program is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”, is implemented within the Statute of the ICF “UKREUROFUND”, is developed by the Foundation and approved by the General Meeting of the participants of the ICF “UKREUROFUND”.
The Charitable Program is carried out within the limits of the funds that will be used for the statutory activities of the ICF “UKREUROFUND” Bank, and in the case of insufficient funds to carry out charitable activities in the desired period, the deadline may be postponed. Funding of events takes place within the limits of the Charity Program and planned funds, however, possible deviations in actual costs due to possible inflation or unplanned costs that cannot be avoided are allowed (on the basis of the appropriate request of the beneficiary/or the President of the ICF “UKREUROFUND”).
The Сharity Program is an internal regulatory document of the Fund, calculated for the period from September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023, and includes a plan of planned expenses for assistance and development of the ICF “UKREUROFUND”.
The content of the Charity Program is reflected in Table 1, which reveals the target expenditure plan for the specified period.
Changes may be made to the Charity Program with the consent of the General Meeting of the ICF “UKREUROFUND”.
Project mission Project mission
The purpose of the Charitable Program is:
- Involvement of business and a wide range of the public in solving the problem of providing timely and high-quality medical care to the population.
- Assistance to the state in the material and technical equipment of medical institutions by providing modern medical equipment for the treatment of patients.
- Public collection of charitable donations, incl. with the use of means of telecommunications in accordance with the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”.
- Creation of an effective system of providing charitable assistance with the aim of implementing global and European practices in the field of health care by involving corporate donors and private individuals, proper control over the use of charitable funds.
- Promote the development of philanthropy, charitable activities and patronage through an active position in the field of providing medical assistance to the population.
Funding: | |||||
The budget of expenses in the amount of UAH 100,000,000.00 is approved for the implementation of the project. (one hundred million UAH). | |||||
Participants of the Program: | |||||
Beneficiaries of charitable assistance – | Medical institutions of Ukraine in certain regions of Ukraine | ||
Benefactors – | Individuals and legal entities | ||
Implementation period | from | 01.09.2022 | till | 31.12.2023 |
Наша допомога медицині Наша допомога медицині
Заручившись підтримкою міжнародних партнерів, направлено до Києва, Харкова, Сум, Житомира, Дніпра, Миколаєва, Запоріжжя, Одеси, Краматорська, Тростянця та ін. міст медичне обладнання (діагностичне обладнання, апарати штучної вентиляції легень, набори медичних інструментів для травматології та операційних, інсулінові засоби, тощо) медикаменти, кровоспинні на декілька мільйонів гривень.
За сприяння небайдужих громадян Австралії передано автомобіль швидкої допомоги до Пологового будинку №1 м. Миколаєва, два дизельні генератори та медикаменти.
Медикам #Нацгвардії за сприяння Комітету медичної допомоги на Закарпатті та французьких партнерів і благодійників передали гуманітарну допомогу.
У гуманітарному вантажі – багатофункціональні лікарняні ліжка, медичні матеріали, матраци, шафки, столи, інвалідні візки та інше медичне оснащення, у якому медичні пункти #НГУ відчувають потребу в повсякденній роботі в умовах військового стану.
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