Since the first days of the war our country has suffered from hostilities, terrible destruction, fires, floods, environmental and man-made disasters.
Every day, these guardian angels in the uniform of emergency services save tens, hundreds, thousands of lives of Ukrainians under constant threat of their lives. They are the first to come to the rescue! The lives of thousands of Ukrainians depend on their work. Day and night, at the limit of human capabilities, they carry out their difficult service to save our people!
In addition to heroism and courage, they also need more strength and means – machinery and equipment.
Due to the difficult situation in Ukraine as a result of full-scale Russian aggression, the number of subordinate units of the Head Office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, fire extinguishing, pyrotechnic robots, debris removal, etc., has significantly increased.
Project mission Project mission
The aim of this project is to raise funds for the proper technical support of our rescuers and assistance in the fulfillment of the tasks set by the employees of the State Emergency Service
Each of your charitable contributions will help us purchase the necessary appliances, technical means, equipment, means of personal protection, water purification, first aid equipment, and reliable transport for our unarmed heroes.
By supporting the State Emergency Service, you are saving the country and the lives of our citizens!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! We will definitely win together!
Raise goal: UAH 500,000.
Implementation period: from 07.11.2022
Наша допомога ДСНС Наша допомога ДСНС
Надано допомогу з евакуації осіб з Київської, Чернігівської та Харківської областей; Все це зроблено завдяки спільноті друзів, українських та європейських партнерів, які стали частиною нашого волонтерського руху, а також завдячуючи довірі та підтримці людей.
За сприяння французьких рятувальників передано підрозділам ДСНС України балони для стисненого повітря та дихальні апарати для гасіння пожеж.
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